This last week I’ve desperately needed happy in my life after my grandma was hospitalised and I had to do a crazy dash home to be there, so this has been somewhat more thought out than last week’s post of H is for Happy. I missed last week's post as I was with family and even so there was no internet. So, without further ado, here is this week’s H is for Happy:
Glee: I am very much a fan of Glee and have been since it came out in the U.S. thanks to a flatmate during first year. It’s simply brilliant for just under an hour of fun, music and dancing. I think the characters are all written so well and I’ve loved the most recent episode (Season 2, episode 14) where Rachel and Blaine sung Human League’s Don’t You Want Me.
Kisses on the forehead: amazing when done a) spontaneously or b) to comfort. I used up a lot of the second option yesterday when my boyfriend met me from the station and helped me back with my stuff. Week from hell + forehead kisses = slightly calmer girlfriend.
Not being a teenager anymore: I know it sounds a bit weird but I like being 20. I’m still young enough to be able to stay up until 1am and be up at 8am for uni but old enough to be treated with a bit more respect from family.
Being absolute giggling fools with friends: today was my first day back at uni following a week at home and I was still feeling pretty cruddy. Thankfully I have a bunch of awesome friends and today three of them spent the majority of the day with me and got me laughing like a loon to distract me from my gloom. ♥
Encouraging Bible verses: Much needed and much loved this week. ♥♥♥