Wednesday, 23 February 2011

H is for Happy; week four

This last week I’ve desperately needed happy in my life after my grandma was hospitalised and I had to do a crazy dash home to be there, so this has been somewhat more thought out than last week’s post of H is for Happy. I missed last week's post as I was with family and even so there was no internet. So, without further ado, here is this week’s H is for Happy:

Glee: I am very much a fan of Glee and have been since it came out in the U.S. thanks to a flatmate during first year. It’s simply brilliant for just under an hour of fun, music and dancing. I think the characters are all written so well and I’ve loved the most recent episode (Season 2, episode 14) where Rachel and Blaine sung Human League’s Don’t You Want Me.

Kisses on the forehead: amazing when done a) spontaneously or b) to comfort. I used up a lot of the second option yesterday when my boyfriend met me from the station and helped me back with my stuff. Week from hell + forehead kisses = slightly calmer girlfriend.

Not being a teenager anymore: I know it sounds a bit weird but I like being 20. I’m still young enough to be able to stay up until 1am and be up at 8am for uni but old enough to be treated with a bit more respect from family.

Being absolute giggling fools with friends: today was my first day back at uni following a week at home and I was still feeling pretty cruddy. Thankfully I have a bunch of awesome friends and today three of them spent the majority of the day with me and got me laughing like a loon to distract me from my gloom. ♥

Encouraging Bible verses: Much needed and much loved this week. ♥♥♥

A Sweet Tweet of a Top

Hello lovelies! Long time, no blog I know. However - uni work permitting - I should be back more regularly now.

That aside, you may remember the top from this outfit idea post that I fell rather in lust with:

Well, while I was away I managed to acquire said navy. Turns out there are two colours for this top and they didn't have it in cream at the branch I went in. Still, 20% student discount and love of the print swayed me (plus I suit darker colours better I think) so I indulged and managed to snag it at £12ish with my discount. Hurrah!

Which colour do you prefer this top in?

Cream and navy bird print tops: Dorothy Perkins, £15

Friday, 11 February 2011

H is for Happy; week three

♥Taylor Swift. My tickets for her Speak Now tour date in London came today. Props to my mum for knowing this would be worth texting me about and brightening up my day.

♥CANDY! Sweet Home Alabama is an amazing sweet shop just down the road from my uni flat and does my favourite sweets for a decent price. I introduced a friend to the shop this week and they love it as much as I do.

♥The Saturdays. I saw these lovely ladies in Newcastle on Monday and it was excellent. I wasn't sure what they would be like live but they are good. I love this picture the most from all the ones I took on the night. Mollie (my favourite) just looks ready to party and this was my favourite costume set they had.

♥Hanging out and being goofy (on the odd occasion) with a friend/friends. My friend Kerri from back home came to visit me this week. She arrived on Monday (she came with me to see the Saturdays) and left this evening (Friday) and slept on my floor in my comfier-than-my-bed sleeping bag. I loved having her visit and enjoyed taking her to Lush, Paperchase, the Disney Store and Sweet Home Alabama - none of which we have back home.

♥Converse. I treated myself to these last week (thank you bursary) and have almost been living in them since then. I think there's been the odd occasion where I've just popped across the road to Wilko in ballet pumps but my love affair with Converse has been reignited this week.

And that is five things that has been making my life lovely this week.

A new look: trousers

To be honest I have never been a fan of trousers. I blame the school trousers that taunted me throughout my uniform enforced school years. Yes, I wear jeans and yes, at a push, I wore some rather nice grey smart trousers for a summer temping job but that's it. My day-to-day wardrobe consists of a few pairs of jeans, skirts, tops, dresses and leggings. No proper trousers as such.

Then I was asked to piece together some outfits for Spark magazine and during my online browsing (all in the name of research of course) I came across a pair of trousers which may tempt me into breaking my unofficial trouser ban. I've pieced it together with a simple, but gorgeous none the less, printed vest top, wedges (although flats would work too obviously) and a bright handbag for some colour.

Trousers, New Look, £24.99

Top, Dorothy Perkins, £15

Shoes, New Look, £24.99

Bag, Topshop, £40

Friday, 4 February 2011

H is for Happy; week two

Good evening everybody! Well haven't I been absolutely dreadful at posting this week? Sorry! Uni started up for me again this week so I've been adjusting both sleep wise and general time wise. My timetable's pretty pants this time as I'm in everyday without fail but two days I'm only in for one lecture/workshop with nothing else, which kind of sucks but I can't change it because the other days are pretty jam-packed.

Oh well, regardless. Here is my second post of H is for Happy...

006: Gossip Girl is back in my life! After the rather ridiculous break, GG is back which means I can envy Blair's amazing wardrobe and enjoy her wonderful lines.

007: Cooking. I've really been getting my bake on recently. This is my key piece at the moment: good old fashioned toad in the hole with mash and veg. I think this has been cooked three times in the last week? It always goes down a treat though.

008: PEZ! I finally got round to buying new PEZ sweets after months of carrying an empty Pluto PEZ dispenser around in my handbag (whoops!) I think Strawberry PEZs are my favourite. What's yours? Do you even have PEZ any more?

009: I may have indulged in my headband obsession again this week...It was a very pretty ivory coloured bow headband from Primark for a barginous £1! They've got some adorable jewellery in at the moment and cushions too.

010: Body confidence has always been an issue for me for as long as I can remember. Which in a way is kind of sad because yes this does extend to childhood...anyway the last week has been a bit of a breakthrough and I'm having more confidence r:e my looks. Plus walking everywhere as you do at uni means I've been toning up for free without much effort!

And that's the lot! Roll on next week!
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