Wednesday, 30 December 2009

Essay procrastination

So far so good. I've done 240 words of this essay in...3 hours.Not so good considering that but the O.C. has been distracting me. Oh Seth Cohen, with you're "I'm a geek but I'm cute too" attitude and unfriendly shapes. I have about 4 days of work to do before I hope to have this finished...300 words a night and that should mean I get my 1500 word limit done. Now, to get to 300 words so I can go and install, and play, the Sims...

Snow,sales and sims

Delayed maybe but yay for the white Christmas we had! Also yay for not getting snowed in up in Newcastle/Sunderland - I found out that shortly after I got on my train home they cancelled a whole bunch of trains so good timing there!

Christmas was lovely.I got lots of smelly bath related things...I think people are trying to tell me I smell?I also got two huge fake Gerber daisies from my friend Katie which are currently adorning my uni desk :) Plus my candy making bracelet set is there too,waiting for me to make candy related bracelets. Yummy! Hit the boxing day sales with Christmas money to spend and mother to drive me there. Peacocks was brilliant for me sales wise. I spent £25 and got: a turquoise printed dress (a size smaller than I usually am.Yay :] ), a beautiful purple leopard print cardigan which my best friend wants to steal, a leopard print headband with a giant leopard print bow (beautiful-ness) plus some tights and socks which aren't so beautiful (although the socks are actually quite cutely patterned) but are practical as I was running low on tights and they were only £2. I also got Vogue when we went into boots quickly and got my glossy fashion fix.

Just got in from blowing most of the £50 New Look gift card I got from my brother and his girlfriend. I found the top I wanted from back in Sunderland's New Look (after about 5 minutes of searching through the collection I recognised it from), bought a beautiful pink lace dress (at £28 it was expensive but it's pretty and it's pink, plus it wasn't technically my money so I didn't feel so guilt), their rose print tunic which was half price for some random reason and a really nice necklace although I think I might give it to my friend for her birthday which is two days after mine.

After a brief harrowing moment with my card (dad's payment hadn't gone in; I had no money. Sad and embarrassing) in the Entertainment Exchange I managed to get Sims triple dulex (basically the sims plus 3 add ons) for £10 courtesy of my brother's girlfriend stepping in to pay for it until dad's money does go in.

NYE tomorrow. If he's better I'm going to Piers' house and staying in his spare room to save me coming back at stupid o'clock and dragging mum out of bed to get me. I haven't seen him for about a week and a half which is stupid and annoying because I'm home from uni so I should be able to see him loads. However Christmas = family and often family = travel. He got back yesterday, was ill and thus any ideas of seeing him were banished. Boo :( It did however give me the chance to get pretty clothes, outfit for tomorrow will be among them and I'll decide what one later today, and has also meant I get time to work on my essay and not panic when it gets to Sunday next week and it's due in two days.

Technically work is planned out. I've given myself until next Monday/Tuesday to do my one on journalist's grammar and then all next week to do my cyberculture one and then do my article the first week back when I'm better placed to hound sources (read: use the news room's phones to ring sources rather than my mobile).

Final bit of excitement; it's my birthday soon! In two weeks I will officially be 19. Which is kinda scary, it feels like I've been 18 for AGES and so much has happened this year, it'll be a bit weird to be older. I'm excited for it even more because although I'll be at uni for my birthday (damn you assessment!) I get to spend it with my best friend because she's coming up for my first week back to spend time with me and so she's there for my actual birthday. Good times :)

And I should really get off here and do my essay ;) But first a spot of very late lunch methinks, I've only had toast today and after an hour and a half of walking and shopping I doubt that I have those calories left in me. Food before work is always a good option.

Tuesday, 15 December 2009

A little bit about me

Just in case any of you wanted this it is!Taken by friend and fellow blogger Mish :)

Do you have any siblings?
yes, one brother who's older than me.Two step-siblings: brother, older, and sister, younger.

How old are you?
right now i'm eighteen, will be turning nineteen 12. January

What's your height?
5"7 1/2'
specific ;)

What's your top/dress size?
none of your business :)
smaller than it used to be

Do you have any diet plans/tips?
Er it helps to actually eat food otherwise it's constantly on your mind ;)
Hmm...drink water? Chew gum? Distract yourself?

Do you workout/how do you stay so slim?
Who says I'm slim? ;)
I walk a lot, walking is my main exercise. Oh and I eat breakfast which stops me snacking up until lunch and then I have a sensible lunch again to avoid snacking. And I drink lots of water because it makes me feel full for longer.

Do you have any pets?

What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?
Reading, listening to music, blogging, hanging out with friends, hanging out with Piers, writing

Who inspires you?
I never know how to answer this question properly! So I won't ;)

What do you feel is your greatest achievement?
Getting over and dealing with it

What do you value most in life?
The people most important to me

What do you do?
nothing really :) i'm technically a journalism student

What is your dream job?
I want to write fashion features.

What did you take for your GCSE'S
As well as the core ones...I chose German, history, music and geography

Do you make good grades?
yes! :)

What is your ethnicity?

Do you want to get married later on in life?
yes please :)

Do you have any phobias?

Have you ever had a near death experience?
yep, it was my own fault because I wasn't looking

Do you get mad easily?
not really, things just build up though because I never really talk about problems

Where have you been on holiday & where was the best?
within the UK - Margate, Blackpool and Cornwall
abroad - Germany, Bulgaria and Turkey
favourite- I'd say Turkey

Favourite childhood memory?
A particular Christmas at my grandparent's house in Margate


Heels or flats?
Unless I particularly want to wear them I'll wear flats

Favourite moisturiser?
I don't have one. Whichever one works for me and doesn't set off my eczema really.

Where do you buy most of your clothes from?
New Look, Asda, Dorothy Perkins and a little splash of Era Vintage

Favourite shop?
Era or New Look

Favourite makeup brand?
The Body Shop

Favourite drugstore makeup brand?

What was your first makeup item?

If you had your own makeup line what would you call it?
i'm not in a creative mood sadly :( oh the possibilities though!

What are you into the most, if you HAD to choose one- jewellery, makeup, shoes, clothes?

Can you please show your followers how you organise all your jewellery/accessories?
I do have several jewellery boxes but the stuff I wear most jewellery wise ends up strewn across my desk. Accessories such as belts and scarves are looped up in my wardrobe except for one particular leopard print scarf which is on my wardrobe door to make it look nicer than it is.

What is your favourite shoe store?

At what age did you start wearing makeup?
about 13

Do you wear falsies? If so which brand?

Lipgloss or mascara?
mascara definitely.

What's your worst shopping habit?
Impulse buying and being distracted by sparkly jewellery way too easily

Do you have a signature scent?
I wouldn't say so. I have 3 perfumes I tend to pick from if I wear one: G from Harajuku Lovers, Christina Aguilera or Ana Sui Secret Wish

How do you take care of your hair?
Wash and condition, heat protection if I'm straightening it

What's the colour of your natural hair & highlights?
ginger but it's kinda faded now

What are your views on plastic surgery?
personally I don't like it for cosmetic reasons

If makeup somehow wasn't invented (:O) what would you replace it with?

Do you bite your nails?
in times of extreme stress I do


Would you rather grow a beard or go bald?
go bald
wig experimentation times ;)

If you could know the date you were going to die, would you want to know?
no thanks

Which five male celebs would be on your "list"?
I wouldn't have a list

If you only had 24 hours to live how would you spend it?
with Piers, friends and family

If you were a cannibal, what would you wear to dinner?

Do you have a favourite book?
I have tons now. I keep reading new books. Haha

Do you watch any american TV, if so what is your favourite?
yes! Favourite is GG

Why don't you make Youtube videos?
i'm not clever enough to x) so I watch them instead ;)

What is your favourite type of sandwhich?
oooo, chicken and stuffing :)

Do you have a Xanga account?

What is your favourite reality TV show?
x factor or stricly

What website do you visit the most besides Youtube, Blogger & Facebook?
twitter and style bubble, and my email accounts

Who is your favourite blogger?
Susie from style bubble

Who is your favourite makeup guru?
I don't have one

How do you make your blog interesting?
If you think it's interesting then great! I just use it to write random stuff and vent :)

Do you like photography?

What is your fave style to decorate your bedroom, chic, modern, vintage..etc?
With little things like scarves decorating wardrobe door handles and personal collages, collections of quotes, photos etc

Can you please do a room tour?
maybe later ;)

Do you like stationary?
yes x)

What is your favourite Disney film?
Nightmare Before Christmas

or Cinderella/Aladdin

What's your favourite dessert?
hot chocolate fudge sundae

Do you like swimming?
yeah I miss swimming.I might go over Christmas holidays. Get a guest pass at mum's gym :)

Do you drink juice?
sometimes. Orange juice = yum

What's your favourite movie?
Edward Scissorhands

Do you eat fries with a fork?
it depends where i am

If you could move anywhere, where would it be?
Hmm, I don't have anywhere particular in my head right now

Favourite flower?
Gerber daisy, bright pink please :)
or a sunflower

Favourite colour?
pink and purple

Do you drink energy drinks?
lucozade is usually reserved for when I'm ill but that's it

Do you drink coffee?

If you could have a dinner party with 5 celebrities, dead or alive, who would you invite?
Anna Wintour, Anita Roderick, Hayley Williams, Fearne Cotton, Taylor Swift

^ good times right there ;)

Friday, 11 December 2009


As my best friend would say ;)

Got a rather cute facebook wall post from Piers today.Which is pretty special given that he hates facebook with a passion and is meant to be at work.haha. Made me smile :) Coffee with people from cu,then actual cu,then chat into the small hours with Piers.Good times planned,good times ;)

Monday, 7 December 2009

Christmas soon

I'm so looking forward to Christmas.I get to go home,see friends,family and Piers...and be warm!And eat proper food at regular times.And watch tv when I want.Joys!I've got into the Christmas vibe pretty quickly already this month and have some tinsel and a mini pink Christmas tinsel tree put up in my room.All I need is my laptop back,connected to the internet and itunes back on it and I can get Christmas music on m ipod.

I'm prepared this year as well.I've bought everyone's presents already,most of them are wrapped up in a big bag in my wardrobe at the flat.With the exception of Piers' presents as I dragged them home with me when I went home for reading week so they need wrapping up when I get back.

Yay Christmas :)

Clothes Show Live,laptop withdrawals and being a student

In reverse order ;) Being a student is becoming more of a disillusioned topic now. I'm poor,ill and the electric in the flat keeps dying because people are pants in my flat :) Plus homesickness and I was (rather ashamedly) crying when answering the simple question my dad asked me on the phone: how are you? I cried, my brother heard me crying and told my mum when he went home.Cue mum phoning me in a maternal worry wanting to know why her youngest child,aka only daughter, was crying hysterically on the phone to her ex-husband.When she'd eventually managed to decipher through my sobs what was wrong,she gave me some consolation and then left me to cry over my friend's bed. Then sent me some chocolate which I got the next day.

Now,the laptop issue.It broke during reading week (grrr hardrive issues!) and was taken away by mr courier promising it would be back soon.It wasn't.I recieved a phone call from my mother asking why they'd tried delivering it to the house.I had no idea, they'd told me they would text me when it was ready and send it to the uni address.Both failed to materialise.So it was rescheduled to Thursday.My delivery time scope?7:30am to 7:30pm.Not impressed but I needed my laptop.It was my connection to church back home,friends back home,news which saved me money buying newspapers and could then spend on magazines instead and enabled me to have long,cost-free chats with Piers on skype (I love who ever made skype!).So I woke up at 7:20am ready to get it back and reinstall EVERYTHING.

So what happened?It didn't show up.They (delivery company) hadn't been told to deliver it again,let alone to uni.PC world said they'd told the delivery company to do it...hence the aforementioned teary phone calls.So, to conclude this drama over a piece of technology...I have to go get it myself from the nearest PC World to halls.Which, had my friend (yay you!) said she couldn't drive me I would've had to walk down rape/stab alley...with a laptop...when someone got mugged last week.No ta :)

And now,the most fun bit of this rather long blog post.Clothes Show Live.It was awesome!Off we went,Emily,Nic,myself and the rest of the detour girls at stupid o'clock in the morning,freezing cold and wanting to sleep on the freezing mini bus but failing.Basically I missed a full day at uni to go look at pretty clothes and spend money which I only had thanks to mother dearest putting pity money in my account.(£50 of Barry M make up for £10...well if you insist!) And why were my lecturers okay with this?Because I was going to do an article about it when I got back so it counted as experience.Legend. Got back at just past 9pm to the flat and managed to just casually dump my stuff over the floor,give some freebie things to Katie,phone Piers and collapse on my bed for sleep.Bliss :)
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