- Getting excited for stuff. Michelle and I have officially started our "OHMYGOODNESSTAYLORSWIFTSOON!!!" messages. We will probably look something like Spongebob and Patrick with the beautiful wide eyes and excited grins next Wednesday seeing the lovely Taylor Swift in London.
- "You have been tagged by ______ in x new photos" Yes facebook informing me I've been tagged in photos make me happy. Why? Because my brother's girlfriend puts up photos of my niece and nephew then tags the family in them which means I get to see them even when I'm over 200 miles away. How adorable is my nephew here?!
- The Holiday is possibly one of my favourite films and tends to be right up there as a go to film when I need cheering up. I've had a rubbish few weeks and this film was needed so on it went! I actually adore Jack Black in this film and the character of Amanda's next door neighbour is easily the best character in the film.
- Emma Watson gets two pictures this week. Why? Because I couldn't pick between these two outfits taken on the set of her latest modelling (ooo get here) shot for Lancome. The 'daytime' look works brilliantly thanks to the hat and the tie and I love the mix of texture in the 'night' look. Plus her hair looks amazing slicked back like that.
- "The sun has got his hat on, hip-hip-hip-hooray. The sun has got his hat on and he’s coming out today" The sun has been shining beautifully over the last few days and I've been able to venture out in just a cardigan (admittedly my hoody still comes with me but I haven't had to wear it yet. Hurrah!)
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