Friday, 22 April 2011

Uni Loan Day Lust List

Hello lovely readers. Now don't be too shocked but look, it's a non-series post! *Cue dramatic music and gasps of amazement* I usually try and avoid online browsing as I can be quite the impulse buyer. However the other day I received a 25% off voucher from Matalan and, with it not expiring until a week after my uni loan goes in, I decided to indulge in a bit of shopping on their website. I plumped for the dresses section as I'm lacking in those at the moment and want to build my collection back up. Which is how I stumbled across this gorgeous little number:

Matalan Jade Divinity Print Tunic Dress, £18

How lovely is this? I like the look of the fabric, in my head it's a little bit silky. I'm not too sure about the belt but belts can be removed so I'm ignoring that for the moment! I could easily wear this in the day or - don't mind my casual planning ahead here - for my friend's wedding in August. I think I was partly drawn to it because it reminded me of the Alexander McQueen printed dresses worn by Naomi Campbell and Kate Moss during the relief for Haiti fashion show...

Naomi Campbell in Alexander McQueen for Relief for Haiti

Please tell me I'm not the only one seeing the resemblance? I do love me some McQueen but, obviously, not having the budget for it I shall, alas, for now make do with replicas/similar but possibly not intentional pieces like the Matalan dress.

Wednesday, 20 April 2011

H is for Happy week 11

Erm so I'm not ignoring that I haven't posted since last week's H is for be honest nothing much has been going on recently and I've been buried in uni work/helping look after my niece and nephew when they're here. I've also been stuck recently with ideas for posts but I have a few ideas. I might try including A Little Bird Told Me's The Blog Issue but make it twice a month rather than once a month (because I'm awkward like that).

Anyway, all that aside here is this week's H is for Happy:

♥ Conveniently photoshopped movie stills. Imagine if Ron had actually said this to Hermione on their first meeting in a "I'm cool and I like you" kind of way. I reckon he would've been her first punch rather than Draco.

♥Sabrina The Teenage Witch

♥Cyanide and Happiness comic strips: found here. These guys regularly update the site and there's over 2,000 comic strips. Some of the comics are a bit extreme (jokes about necrophilia etc that may disturb those of a delicate disposition) but in a way similar to the Bunny Suicides books I find the majority of these amusing.

♥Avoiding a baking disaster: I decided that I wanted to make a cake yesterday and was going to make buttercream icing because we had two boxes of icing sugar in the cupboard and it's something I've always wanted to do. Imagine how I feel when I've already sorted all the other ingredients to find out the icing sugar is nearly gone in both boxes! Anyway crisis was averted thanks to a bar of dark chocolate and half a jar of the co-op's melting chocolate sauce. I whacked a couple of broken biscuits on the top for decoration and viola the cake was saved. And very yummy it was too.

♥Lizzie McGuire: I loved both the t.v. series and the film when I was younger. To be honest stumbling across this on a friend's blog makes me want to watch the film all over again because Gordo + Lizzie = ♥♥♥

And that's this week's H is for Happy.

Friday, 15 April 2011

H is for Happy week 10

Wow sorry I’ve been so quiet on the blog front recently. It’s been a bit of a mad rush with the end of term and the first few days at home plus it’s a bit more difficult for me to get online when I’m at home. Anyway, now that’s out of the way here is this week’s H is for Happy:

♥Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: I pre-ordered my copy of this on and it arrived my first morning back home a full two days before it was released in the shops. Cue my Saturday afternoon spent watching the film and the entire disc of bonus features.

♥Free cake: possibly two of the best words anybody ever thought of putting together. My brother’s girlfriend arrived (along with my brother, niece and nephew) a couple of nights ago with cake from her sister’s birthday. Pieces had been spared for us. Sponge cake with chocolate icing and marzipan wrapped in pretty pink napkins. Obviously being me I had no restraint and ate my piece before it was possible to get a picture but cake is cake.

♥Magazine design: I’ve actually really enjoyed a uni module this term called magazine design and production. Sounds ultra dorky I know but I’ve loved seeing how magazines are put together with the whole layouts etc. We have a twenty page concept to mock up for an assessment and I got InDesign’s 30 day trial to do it. I finished it the other day after a couple of hours every evening on it since Monday and I’m considering just playing about with a few ideas for the rest of the trial and then I’ll either buy it with the next loan instalment or at the beginning of third year as a major part of third year is putting together our own original magazine using this and I don’t fancy living at uni to get it done.

♥Having my bed back: This isn’t my bed (unfortunately…if someone offered me fairylights around my bed like this I’d totally accept) but I am currently typing this close tucked up in bed with the lights out and my queen size duvet keeping me snug from the random cold day (can I have the sun back yet, I miss it). I love the feeling of being away for a while and just being able to sink into your old bed and find it’s as comfortable – if not more so – as you remembered it to be.

♥Seeing friends after ages away: I saw a few friends I haven’t seen since Christmas/January over the weekend and I’ll be meeting up with a few later for a friend’s birthday meal at Nandos. I’m a big fan of the hug and it’s my standard form of greeting for the majority of my friends back in my hometown and a few up in Sunderland/Newcastle.

Wednesday, 6 April 2011

H is for Happy week 9

It hasn't really been a busy week so far. I've been quite mopey this week though hence this week's H... being out earlier than usual. Bit of a mixed selection as well as I've included a video in my five things...

♥Immersing yourself in a favourite book series; I've been re-reading Harry Potter in preparation for Deathly Hallows part 1 being released on DVD. Like a good HP fan girl DH has been pre-ordered and officially dispatched it this morning so it might even be waiting for me when I go home in the next few days *squees*

♥The boyfriend has been preparing for a French exam over the last few days and he has a really nice accent when he speaks French. I'm also a sucker for Gerard Butler's accent (in general but I do adore his voice in P.S. I Love You) and some Irish accents.

♥Britney! I'm a little bit obsessed with her new song Til The World Ends and the video is pretty good too. While everyone else seems to be going on about her being too old/too unfit/too mentally unstable blah blah blah, I'll just happily sit with the song on repeat and chanting along with good ol' Brit.

♥Chips! This one might sound a bit odd but until recently our oven has been a bit rubbish so I've stuck to the hob when making food (good, home-made meals at that too) and mash/pasta/rice became a staple. I missed chips. Then last week our oven magically worked (hurrah) so I promptly went to Heron and bought some crinkly chips and had them for dinner. Om nom nom.

♥This video! Someone linked me this version and I adored it. I also fell in love a little bit with the song featured which is "Peaches" by New Heights. There is an original on youtube (just search love language) but I much prefer this version, I'm not really sure why but I just do. Anyway, check it out and be patient with it - I know it's nearly five minutes long but it's totally worth it!

And that's this week's H is for Happy. Enjoy the rest of the week! :)

Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Quarter Year Review: February

♥My friend Kerri came up to visit me at uni for a week and camped out on my floor. She got the joys of Sunderland's Disney store and Newcastle's Lush, Hotel Chocolat and Paperchase
♥The whole reason for her coming (as well as hanging out up here) was to see The Saturdays in Newcastle. Brilliant show and my style crush on Molly and Vanessa continues.
♥We also met the support act TwentyTwenty and I interviewed them for Spark. Pretty weird as last week I saw their music video on one of the music channels and promptly screamed "MUM I INTERVIEWED THEM THE OTHER MONTH"
♥Speaking of interviewing bands I also attended the launch party of local band Athletes In Paris' new single Borrow Time. I first met/interviewed/went to their gig back in September 2009 when I was an ickle fresher. I was pleasantly surprised to find that the lead singer remembered me. I interviewed them for Spark as well before listening to their single live (having previously only heard snippets from their facebook page) and promptly loved it.
♥I progressed onto season 2 of the O.C. which is probably my favourite season for Seth/Summer moments (not including the season one coffee cart declaration of love that started it all) such as the Spiderman kiss in the rain pictured
♥Finally, I added to my 50-squillion cushion collection on my bed. Okay so I don't have quite that many but I have a lot of cushions for one girl. In my defence I prefer cushions to pillows and have some on my desk chair as the chair is quite old and hurts my back otherwise. She says sounding like an old lady rather than a twenty year old. Whoops!

And that was February.

Saturday, 2 April 2011

H is for Happy week 8

This week's been a bit hit and miss to be honest. It didn't start so great after a bird mistook my head for a toilet....but it got better when I went home for a little bit and to London for a Taylor Swift concert with the lovely Michelle (a proper post about that coming soon!) and today looks set to be pretty good to thanks to sunny weather, the lure of a good home-cooked lunch at CU planning afternoon and the promise of being able to watch one of my favourite films Anastasiawith the boyfriend tonight. So, seeing as I'm in a somewhat better mood than I have been all week I thought it was the best time to whack out this week's H is for Happy:
♥Being able to don a pair of shorts. I found my old denim cut offs (aka jeans that were too short and I couldn't be bothered to take back) the other day and thanks to the lovely weather I've been able to enjoy wearing them with coloured tights and ballet pumps.
♥They've announced a Monsters Inc 2 which will be a prequel looking at how Mike and Sully met each other at "Fear Academy"
♥Taylor Swift dedicated Long Live to her fans at her concert on Wednesday complete with glitter cannons and streamers falling from the ceiling.
♥Embracing my inner nerd by using a Harry Potter quote as the strapline for a dummy magazine I've got to put together. (For those interested in was Draco dormiens nunquam titillandus which translates to a sleeping dragon should never be tickled)
♥Re-watching films from your childhood and falling in love with them all over again.

Website Spotlight

Before I begin this one-off post let me say I haven't been contact by the owner of this Tumblr, nor has anyone else asked me to do this post. I simply like the website and what it does.

Right little disclaimer out of the way let's crack on! A few weeks ago I stumbled across a blog called Just Little Things. Essentially it's a Tumblr which goes about listing all the little things the owner (and readers who can submit things) thinks make life lovely. There's over 300 and the site still updates fairly often (every other day usually) so I shan't fill the rest of this post with 300+ images for you all to read. However if you want to go and have a look for yourself: Just Little Things can be found here. Below are a few of my favourites:

Friday, 1 April 2011

Quarter Year Review: January

So we're officially a quarter of the way through the year...yes I am enough of a geek to know things like that automatically on the first day of April. So I've decided (because I've been in a rubbish mood for the last month and thought some reflection might cheer me up a bit) to have a looksie back at the last three months starting with (logically) the first month; January.

♥Said goodbye to my family including my adorable niece (pictured) and left for uni with a ton of food and several of my niece's paintings which now adorn my bedroom wall
♥Had to take down my Christmas decorations when arriving back at uni. Basically I had to put away a mini Christmas tree, nativity scene and take down two lengths of tinsel
♥Had my birthday! I waved my teenage years goodbye and stepped into that age known as 20. Unfortunately I didn't get any balloons, let alone Jack Skeleton ones, but I did get...
♥Presents in various gift bags! I love the packaging as much as the presents themselves so my brilliant friends came armed with gift bags, glitter, ribbon, wrapping paper and tissue paper when...
♥We had a birthday meal at Frankie and Benny's. Best birthday meal to date. We probably traumatised our poor waiter but we did get a free round of drinks, which made up for the cook burning my pizza then forgetting about me :/
♥I sorted out my nail varnishes and realised I probably have too many...I think at last count I had around 40?
♥I began re-watching the O.C. after I finally got season 2 of it on DVD for my birthday. I actually ended up watching most of season one on date nights in with the boyfriend and he really got into the show. We both ♥ Seth.
♥And finally, in true geek form I indulged in new stationary from Paperchase for the new term at uni including this doodle notebook for my lecture notes.

And that was (pretty much) my January.
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