Friday, 15 April 2011

H is for Happy week 10

Wow sorry I’ve been so quiet on the blog front recently. It’s been a bit of a mad rush with the end of term and the first few days at home plus it’s a bit more difficult for me to get online when I’m at home. Anyway, now that’s out of the way here is this week’s H is for Happy:

♥Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: I pre-ordered my copy of this on and it arrived my first morning back home a full two days before it was released in the shops. Cue my Saturday afternoon spent watching the film and the entire disc of bonus features.

♥Free cake: possibly two of the best words anybody ever thought of putting together. My brother’s girlfriend arrived (along with my brother, niece and nephew) a couple of nights ago with cake from her sister’s birthday. Pieces had been spared for us. Sponge cake with chocolate icing and marzipan wrapped in pretty pink napkins. Obviously being me I had no restraint and ate my piece before it was possible to get a picture but cake is cake.

♥Magazine design: I’ve actually really enjoyed a uni module this term called magazine design and production. Sounds ultra dorky I know but I’ve loved seeing how magazines are put together with the whole layouts etc. We have a twenty page concept to mock up for an assessment and I got InDesign’s 30 day trial to do it. I finished it the other day after a couple of hours every evening on it since Monday and I’m considering just playing about with a few ideas for the rest of the trial and then I’ll either buy it with the next loan instalment or at the beginning of third year as a major part of third year is putting together our own original magazine using this and I don’t fancy living at uni to get it done.

♥Having my bed back: This isn’t my bed (unfortunately…if someone offered me fairylights around my bed like this I’d totally accept) but I am currently typing this close tucked up in bed with the lights out and my queen size duvet keeping me snug from the random cold day (can I have the sun back yet, I miss it). I love the feeling of being away for a while and just being able to sink into your old bed and find it’s as comfortable – if not more so – as you remembered it to be.

♥Seeing friends after ages away: I saw a few friends I haven’t seen since Christmas/January over the weekend and I’ll be meeting up with a few later for a friend’s birthday meal at Nandos. I’m a big fan of the hug and it’s my standard form of greeting for the majority of my friends back in my hometown and a few up in Sunderland/Newcastle.

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