Wednesday, 20 April 2011

H is for Happy week 11

Erm so I'm not ignoring that I haven't posted since last week's H is for be honest nothing much has been going on recently and I've been buried in uni work/helping look after my niece and nephew when they're here. I've also been stuck recently with ideas for posts but I have a few ideas. I might try including A Little Bird Told Me's The Blog Issue but make it twice a month rather than once a month (because I'm awkward like that).

Anyway, all that aside here is this week's H is for Happy:

♥ Conveniently photoshopped movie stills. Imagine if Ron had actually said this to Hermione on their first meeting in a "I'm cool and I like you" kind of way. I reckon he would've been her first punch rather than Draco.

♥Sabrina The Teenage Witch

♥Cyanide and Happiness comic strips: found here. These guys regularly update the site and there's over 2,000 comic strips. Some of the comics are a bit extreme (jokes about necrophilia etc that may disturb those of a delicate disposition) but in a way similar to the Bunny Suicides books I find the majority of these amusing.

♥Avoiding a baking disaster: I decided that I wanted to make a cake yesterday and was going to make buttercream icing because we had two boxes of icing sugar in the cupboard and it's something I've always wanted to do. Imagine how I feel when I've already sorted all the other ingredients to find out the icing sugar is nearly gone in both boxes! Anyway crisis was averted thanks to a bar of dark chocolate and half a jar of the co-op's melting chocolate sauce. I whacked a couple of broken biscuits on the top for decoration and viola the cake was saved. And very yummy it was too.

♥Lizzie McGuire: I loved both the t.v. series and the film when I was younger. To be honest stumbling across this on a friend's blog makes me want to watch the film all over again because Gordo + Lizzie = ♥♥♥

And that's this week's H is for Happy.

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